Erin Cell

By November 2, 2016 No Comments

The Professional Erin Cell

Let’s just put this on the table, right off the bat… Erin has Big Plans, and once you get to know her, you won’t doubt she’ll make them a reality. She’s one of our key account managers and she also runs her own company, Socially Powered.

Erin’s obligatory stint in the corporate world included responsibilities ranging from sales to customer service to account management. But in the end, that world let her down. “Over the years, the culture at my company changed 180 degrees and at the end they weren’t there for me when I had a significant family matter to attend to.” She left the company in 2013, took on some rigorous social media training, and hung out her shingle.

But Erin has been media social for a long, long time. In her corporate phase, she helped out with the company’s social media marketing program, while outside the office, she managed the Pancreatic Cancer Network’s social media presence as a volunteer. “Way back when, I was on the leading edge with sites like Myspace and Facebook. I love the process of diving into a site and mastering all the features and functionalities and then strategizing with my clients about how we can put all of it to work for them.”

Mutual friends and colleagues introduced Erin to Luke in 2015 and she was a regular in our office for many months before officially joining us in early 2016.

Why is Erin so good at what she does? “Believe it or not, I think my success in social media has as much to do with my customer service background as with my passion for and training in social media.”


The Essential Erin Cell

A Topeka, Kansas native, Erin came to Denver with her boyfriend immediately after college. He’s long gone now, but Erin couldn’t be happier and she loves the Colorado life.

Travel is an important part of her life. This started after she left her corporate job and escaped to Europe for nearly two months on her own. Now, if Erin’s in Denver for more than few months she feels the tug. On her magic mirror at home (you’ll have to ask her), Erin has listed “Spain, Ireland, and Prague.”

To some extent, professional networking is one of Erin’s social outlets. But, she notes, “Sometimes I wonder why I should pay someone else just to hang out with my friends!” Erin is a self-professed “concert junkie,” catching live shows around Denver and especially at Red Rocks whenever she can fit them in. Last and probably least, she plays volleyball “in a drinking league.”

So what about Erin’s Big Plans? She holds these thoughts kind of close, but they revolve around specific steps to take her company not only to the next step but several beyond that. In the meantime, we’ll always have room for her in the SME suite!