The Professional Jordan Thompson
The previous positions in Jordan’s career seem to track two distinct paths that will no doubt converge into her ideal position someday—and the world will be a better place for it.
First, there is her self-professed OCD-induced side where she hyper-organizes the professional settings in which she finds herself. “One of my early positions was as an Executive Assistant with a CPA firm,” Jordan explains. “I was constantly trying to catch up until I realized I needed to get ahead of the tidal wave and get myself and then the office organized. Now I love that feeling of keeping the trains running on time and heading down the right track!”
Then there’s Jordan’s caring, serving, love-for-her-fellow-man career path. For example, as a mentor for women recovering from alcoholism, she has spent 12+ hours a day with at-risk ladies, helping them on their recovery journey and reinforcing for them the fact that a sober lifestyle can be fun, happy and fulfilling.
The role Jordan has carved out at SME is quite simply stated, but oh, so complex. “My job is to make sure Luke is not caught up in busy work. I have the small conversations with our clients so Luke and Lauren can have the big conversations. I try to do everything possible behind the scenes—correspondence, marketing research, information management, scheduling, prepping—so Luke can be more present with our current and future clients.” That’s easy to say, hard to do, and absolutely vital for our company!
The Essential Jordan Thompson
Jordan grew up in Florida and her family moved to Colorado when she was 10. “No special reason…they wanted a change of scenery and life. I’m so glad they had that impulse!”
Not surprising, in her spare time, Jordan is an active outreach volunteer through her churches (yes that’s plural) and outside of them as well. And let’s not forget her part-time spray tanning business (Bronze Organtics—yes, the “t” belongs there).
The one word that really captures Jordan’s essence is “genuineness.” “I strive to be open and real. I don’t have hidden agendas or secret sides, so there’s nothing to hide and no games to play. Life is complicated enough without expending all that kind of energy!”